Inner peace improves creativity.
Based on my experience as a creative person, inner peace takes us to a different place that improves our ability to come up with fresh ideas.
Brainstorming Is Not Creativity
I have nothing against brainstorming – either by yourself or with others. But here’s the thing: brainstorming is often about what we already know.
When we get together with others we each take what we know and pool it with everyone else’s knowledge and come up with an idea or strategy. This is great up to a point and in increasingly complex institutional environments can be very useful – after all there is too much for any one person to know.
When we brainstorm we mostly rehash what we know. Unfortunately it is usually linear, left brained activity meant to enhance the status quo..
Brainstorming, then, can be limited in what it considers as potential ideas. It may be limited to what exists and what others will accept.
So is it creativity?
What Is Creativity?
According to one online dictionary, creativity is
1.the state or quality of being creative
2.the ability to transcend traditional ideas, rules, patterns, relationships, or the like, and to create meaningful new ideas, forms, methods, interpretations, etc.; originality, progressiveness, or imagination: the need for creativity in modern industry; creativity in the performing arts.
3.the process by which one utilizes creativeability: Extensive reading stimulated his creativity.
What is key in the definition is the word, imagination. Imagination is a right brained activity. It claims the connections that we cannot make any other way. It offers us the unknown for our progress in solving problem or developing something new.
Is Imagination Endangered?
Left brained mental processes have dominated human culture in the West for centuries. They are an outgrowth of the scientific method which is evidence based and relies on the material world.
Imagination is elusive. It is energy based and connected to the universal field, the source of all intelligence in the universe.
Science developed as an antidote to superstition. It does not respect the spiritual, psychic and energetic realms, although that is beginning to change a little. The discredited realms of modern life are also the home of the imagination, which we find cute and interesting in children not adults.
The Universal Field And Creativity
The universal field is an important support of human life. It is the emptiness and silence of oneness where those wild ideas of the imagination come from. It is therefore a great resource for our creative endeavors.
Here’s the rub.
You cannot force it.
You have to be open to it.
Creative ideas require that we are receptive to them or they cannot make their way to us because we have closed ourselves off to them. Receptivity is a feminine quality and one that is discredited in modern culture. Therefore many are often not receptive to new ideas and it is not just an individual problem it is also a societal problem.
Those who are in touch with their imaginations, their creativity and the universal field may find themselves isolated and have difficulty communicating their ideas and gaining acceptance for them. How many people are really open to and in touch with the universal field?
Inner Peace And Creativity
Creative challenges aside, the universal field is our source for creative support. Interestingly, we learn to move into its stillness through meditation. Yes, the same meditation that helps us find inner peace. Meditation helps us let go of the petty difficulties of everyday life. It helps us become more comfortable with silence than the drama of everyday life.
In doing so, we quiet the mental chatter that distracts us from our creative source and allow ourselves to receive new information. We open ourselves to new possibilities simply by being open to the universal silence. Meditation helps us find inner peace and in doing so also helps us find and embrace our creative potential.
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